
Dec 6, 2008

Supplemental Insurance Considerations

By: Lance Winslow

More than one labor union has gone on strike over health care coverage, benefits and insurance. Most companies have no choice as health care costs rise, medical lawsuits grow and health insurance goes through the roof, but to increase their costs to employees or lower the benefits. Nearly 80% of the companies are doing both. Today, fewer companies are offering health insurance than they were in 1999, about 8% for employers in America, that is a prime example of how serious this really is.

During this time health care insurance premiums have climbed some 15% and they do not seem to be slowing down, each year the costs go up. When you throw in a little stagflation, and harsh economic times you can see it is the Middle Class American Worker that is getting hammered here, these are the same families that are raising our next generation and one only has to wonder what will happen if the trend continues. What can a family do?

Well, they do have the option of buying supplemental insurance that will help with deductibles, copayments and kick in where coverages run out or where the employers insurance does not cover. Many supplemental policies also cover disabilities that lead to inability to work, loss of income or long-term illness preventing work. Perhaps you should look into a supplemental policy to protect you and your family. Maybe you can get with an insurance agent and discuss these things, see what makes sense, do an audit of the insurance you already have and figure out what you need and what that extra supplemental insurance might run you. Give yourself and your family a little peace of mind, please consider this.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.
