House mortgage insurance rates have risen tremendously over the past few years. In certain parts of the country, some insurers are even refusing to sell new policies and/or renew policies because losses have been so high. Florida homeowners, for example, were hit by a number of costly natural disasters in 2004, and many people are finding it very difficult to get homeowner's coverage, especially if they never had it before. It makes you wonder what consumers can do to help keep premiums down and make sure that their insurers will renew their current policies. There are a number of ways that homeowners can help to keep their premiums down and help to insure that their policies will get renewed. First and foremost, it is important to keep the number of claims filed down to a minimum or none at all. Just because a claim can be filed does not mean that it should be. House mortgage insurance should be used mostly for costly emergencies, especially if an individual already lives in a high-risk area. Too many small claims that are filed throughout a year or two can make insurers not want to renew a policy or substantially raise the premiums. Another good way to help keep house insurance premiums down is to raise policy deductibles. If an individual currently has a deductible of $250 or $500 respectively, it could end up saving them quite a bit if they raised it to $1,000 or $1,500 instead. Generally, just by doing this, individuals can save between 10 and 20 percent on the premium. Naturally, consideration needs to be given as to whether or not the individual can absorb the deductible amount in case they suffer a loss of some sort. When you are looking for some house mortgage insurance do your research on the best policies that suit your specific needs, and be sure to think about the are in which you live.